Does Ugly Sonic Live Up to the Hype? (Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) Impressions)

Yesterday Disney released a Chip ‘n Dale reboot movie on Disney+. It is mostly just a crossover comedy movie, but it does mainly feature Chip and Dale. As has been widely discussed online, the original design of Sonic the Hedgehog from his own 2020 movie by Paramount is used in this film. In the movie they call him “Ugly Sonic”, which is the official name of that version of Sonic now. But does Ugly Sonic’s inclusion in Chip ‘n Dale live up to the hype? You are about to find out.

Yes, he does

At first it seems like his inclusion is just a joke, but he is a reoccurring character in the movie. His design looks almost exactly the same as it did in that original trailer, but he wears clothes now and does uglier expressions than Sonic normally would. The voice actor is also chosen to not sound like Sonic at all. Instead he is voiced by Tim Robinson and sounds like a middle-aged guy who definitely does not sound like he would be the main role in a movie. Overall he is an entertaining character, possibly even the most entertaining in the whole movie.

As far as references to the Sonic the Hedgehog series go, there are almost none. They mention that he can’t go fast like regular Sonic can, and that’s about it. The movie doesn’t have many video game references overall, so this is not surprising. There are a few, though, like the aforementioned Sonic and also the Chip ‘n Dale game on NES by Capcom being shown. If you are expecting a lot of video game references, that is not what this movie is about.

Should you watch it?

If all you care about is Ugly Sonic then probably not. If you are a fan of the actors or Disney in general then you probably should. Compared to the first and second live-action Sonic movies, which you probably saw if you care about Ugly Sonic, it is about the same for general entertainment value. If you don’t care about any of the characters or references involved in either movie you will probably like Chip ‘n Dale more.

You can watch the movie on Disney+.

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