My Friend Pedro (Xbox One, Switch, Windows) Review


  • the reviewer has not finished the game with 100% completion
  • the game was played on the Xbox One S using the version of the game intended for United States audiences

As of the writing of this review Devolver Digital’s most recent hit game is My Friend Pedro. Similar to The Fancy Pants Adventures, it was originally a flash game (from around 2014 in My Friend Pedro’s case) that became a full on console/pc game. This review will judge My Friend Pedro on its own merits.

The gameplay of My Friend Pedro was obviously the focus, as one would expect from a game that was originally a flash game. The player walks, jumps, aims and shoots with different guns, dodges, and slows down time through a bunch of different levels. This all controls well enough. Most of the depth comes from the level designs. Enemy designs on the other hand are hardly varied at all, and none of them using the game’s mechanics in any meaningful way. The same is true of the boss fights, which could have worked in any other game . They aren’t especially bad, but they aren’t especially good either. The same goes for the level design, actually. It’s all pretty repetitive and nothing stands out as being especially original or well designed. It does lend itself to being replayed for faster times and higher scores though. Overall the gameplay works very well but there doesn’t seem to be much thought put into the levels, or at least as much as there could have been.

Technically My Friend Pedro is about as good as you could ask for. It runs smoothly enough. The graphics are a bit above average for a 2D indie game, which isn’t really saying much. Overall this aspect of My Friend Pedro isn’t good or bad enough to touch its score overall.

As for sound My Friend Pedro doesn’t do much. There are some pretty generic music and sound effects, and thats about it. The game isn’t helped or hurt by its sound.

The plot in My Friend Pedro doesn’t do much either. Really only the ending is when anything actually happens, and what does happen is not especially fantastic. The game is also not helped or hurt by its story.

In terms of value My Friend Pedro is slightly overpriced, which is better than most games really. You get around a 4 hour campaign, some unlockables throughout, and a scoring system to keep you coming back. It is about an average value overall.

Overall the reviewer would give the game a 7 out of 10.

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