Frogger’s Adventures: Temple of the Frog (GBA) Review


  • the reviewer has not finished the game with 100% completion
  • the game was played on the Game Boy Advance SP AGS-101 using the version of the game intended for United States audiences

One of Konami’s many efforts on the GBA to bring a new spin on their series was the Frogger’s Adventures series. This game transforms Frogger from a basic arcade game to an adventure game. In this review Frogger’s Adventures: Temple of the Frog (which this review will refer to as Temple of the Frog) will be judged on its own merits.

Temple of the Frog is essentially classic Frogger but with multiple long form stages. The whole game is played on a grid and the player controls Frogger who can jump left, right, forward, or back. These basic mechanics are used on a selection of stages and a few bosses throughout the game. Some level gimmicks add some complexity but overall the game is very simple and not particularly challenging either. There are a few clever level designs but overall there is nothing particularly engaging about the game as a whole. Trying to play this game as quickly as possible is about the extent of the possibility for a challenging or engaging experience. Overall the gameplay in Temple of the Frog is extremely basic and does essentially nothing for the quality of the game.

Sound in Temple of the Frog is surprisingly good considering how Frogger has never been known for having good music. The soundtrack is easily above average for a GBA game. Sound effects on the other hand are about as good as you can expect from a GBA game. Overall this is easily on of the best aspects of the game.

Technically Temple of the Frog is about as good as you could possibly expect. Everything is visually appealing and runs smooth. It is far from being one of the best looking GBA games but the developer did a good job keeping up with the standards of the GBA at least. Overall this is one of the last reasons to play this game.

Story was obviously not a focus of Temple of the Frog‘s development as it basically isn’t present at all. Overall this doesn’t hurt or help the game’s quality,

The value of Temple of the Frog is unfortunately rather low. The game is very short and there isn’t much depth to the game overall. Replay value is essentially limited to replaying the game which isn’t incentivized in essentially any way. Overall this game is only worth buying at a discounted price.

Overall the reviewer would give the game a 7.5 out of 10.

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